School Enrichment Theatre Workshops:
One Day – Five Day – Four Weeks – interfaced with NY State Common Core Standards: K-8.
Contact: Teaching Artist: Karen Dieruf –
Custom create workshops:
- To authenticate ‘in class’ study units with students’ participation.
- To collaborate on ‘Whole School Assembly’ focused themes.
- To Interface with Teacher Professional Development
Students: Grades: 3 – 12 – Mythmaking Workshop.
Students collaborate to create and present an original short Myth/Play inventing their own characters – co-writing original scene dialogue – interacting to develop a unique world that engages challenging obstacles to solve a ‘sudden’ crisis – communicating as a group of ‘experts’ with their own individual unique strengths – depicting clear event sequences ending in a final positive resolution benefitting all the peoples of their world.
Objective: To authenticate classroom study units – English, Social Studies, World Languages, Science, Math.
Goal: Whole class participation – Students will participate in group discussions expressing vocabulary and solutions designed to build their character with knowledge of in-class ‘study unit’.
NY State Core Standards: Reading Standards: Key Ideas & Details –
Students communicate what they observe and interpret what is occurring in each scene. Students analyze how particular incidents in a story or drama propel the action, reveal aspects of character or provoke a decision.
Teacher Development – Bring Drama alive with your students’: Myth Making Workshop
Teachers will create original scenes by learning ‘hands-on’ easy drama skills interfaced with NY State Standards inspired by workshop participant’s Study Units: Social Studies, English, Math, Science, World Languages to integrate into their classrooms.
Possible Myths:
To create a scene using characters who are presented with a challenge to be solved as a group.
* Mythological characters.
* Pilgrims and Native Americans.
* Famous people all in one room.
* Madame Curie or other Scientists
* From Study Units from teacher workshop participants.
Contact: Teaching Artist: Karen Dieruf –